
We Work In A Chemical-FREE Environment – NO SMOKING ALLOWED


My husband is a Doctor and a member of ACNEM where we found out about “Building Biology” which is where we got the link for your website. We really liked your article on “Natural Latex” which we came across just in time as we were looking at purchasing some latex mattresses (yikes, dodged a bullet there!) … which brings me to my question. I find that this question often offends people, but for the sake of the health of our family and because I am highly sensitive and do not want to have a reaction, it is incumbent upon me to ask;

Do you have any employees that are smokers?

I understand that your company has guidelines and rules in place prohibiting smoking in a certain proximity of your facility. The smoke itself is only part of the problem to those who have sensitivities. My question comes from a concern of the small particles smokers carry, usually unknowingly, on their clothing and in their hair that could fall and contaminate the products during the manufacturing, handling and packaging processes.

If this is so, it could cause a big problem for people like me who have been hospitalised for this very thing. – D.H. (Concerned Customer)


We import GOTS Certified Organic Cotton fabric and filling for our mattresses from India. The staff in the mills are not permitted to smoke. All goods are well packed and sent in a clean container which is loaded only with our goods. It is locked and not opened until it arrives at our importers warehouse in Melbourne. The goods are kept closed and transported to different places where they remain fully closed until ready to use. No-one smokes inside the premises where different goods are stored and handled, this is not permitted. I don’t know if any of the persons handling the cotton filling and making the mattresses smoke, however this is a firm producing for us under contract and they know how important it is to avoid contamination. It was part of our specification. I do know that the many times I ( as a person who is extremely sensitive to smell) have been there, I have never smelt smoke on the staff or in the premises. The work-in-progress products are in closed containers during storage, even if only for a short time. Once the mattress is made it is put in an organic cotton bag and a plastic bag over to give it extra protection during storage and transport. If sent outside our local Melbourne area with a courier, the mattresses (including the above packaging) are placed in a new cardboard carton. If delivered by our specialist contractor to our local region around Melbourne and some surrounding places, the mattress is delivered without the carton by Michael. He does not smoke.

I know how important it is for you to receive an ORGANIC MATTRESS without contaminants. I do hope this answers your concern. – Peter Byl (Organature Founder)


Thank you so much for your reply! I really appreciate you taking the time to give me such an in-depth answer and finding out for me!

We really appreciate what you are doing, there is seriously no other company like you in Australia! We are hoping to make a complete switch to Organic Cotton everything! Thank you for your time. – D.H. (VERY Relieved Customer)


The Cleanest Production & Transporting Standards in Australia – safe for chemical sensitivity sufferers



The Organature Mattress

The Healthiest Sleep You Can Have Is On An Organature Mattress The original, genuine and only Australian made 100% Organic Cotton Mattress, the Organature Mattress is unique – made from the purest ingredients. The Mattress and

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