It Was Really Cool To Open The Pillows And Not Smell ANY Nasty Chemicals

I have avoided replacing our pillows for WAY longer than I am comfortable admitting. In fact we are likely all sleeping on cesspools of unmentionable grossness – BUT there is a reason.

I have gone to buy pillows many times and always stopped before actually buying. Why? Because I know how dangerous many of the man made chemicals that are used on pillows are to our health. I also know that we spend a LOT of our time sleeping directly on these pillows, inhaling the chemicals as we sleep, night after night after night.

This knowledge has kept me in fear for a while … anyway, I have looked into getting new pillows and finally did it – I’m so proud of myself! The thing that helped me make the decision was that the ones we found are not only pure and organic, but they are also adjustable. You can add or remove filling to suit 😍 win for this little 👸.

We received our organic pillows and went to town tonight adjusting them for each of us. Having a 6 year old, 11 year old and 2 adults, we all need and like different heights for our pillows. It was really cool to open them up (not smell ANY nasty chemical smells, even those ones that try and trick you into thinking something is new and clean) and feel the soft, silky cotton filling.

Like most products that are not made from synthetics, there are things we may need to adjust to. I am someone who believes strongly about avoiding chemicals and reducing the body’s exposure to chemicals, so for me learning how to make a new silk cotton pillow work for me. It’s worth it for my health, the health of my family and also the planet. – Reeda Close | 1 review | 10/01/2020 (via Facebook)

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