
Is There A Health Risk From EMF’s and Innersprings In Mattresses?

Often people express concerns that there may be a link between mattresses that contain innersprings and cancer caused from exposure to high EMFs (electric and magnetic fields). We’ve had another question about this today and thought it a good idea to publish our own experiences as well as provide a link where you can check further facts, for yourself.

What Exactly Are EMF’s?

Electric fields are produced by electric charges and magnetic fields are produced by the flow of current through wires or electrical devices. Electric and magnetic fields together are referred to as electromagnetic fields, or EMFs. The electric and magnetic forces in EMFs are caused by electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation consists of waves of electric and magnetic energy moving together through space. Electric and magnetic fields or EMFs, become weaker as you move further away from them. There are two main categories of EMFs:

  • Higher-frequency EMFs, which include x-rays and gamma rays. These EMFs are in the ionizing radiation part of the electromagnetic spectrum and can damage DNA or cells directly.
  • Low- to mid-frequency EMFs, which include static fields (electric or magnetic fields that do not vary with time), magnetic fields from electric power lines and appliances, radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, and visible light.

CUSTOMER QUESTION: What about the information that springs are conductive electrical currents? Building Biology publishes stuff on this (they’re Australian). Any thoughts?

PETER’S ANSWER: Conductive electrical currents from springs in mattresses has not been scientifically proven. Scientific studies have not clearly shown whether exposure to EMF increases cancer risk, and they continue to conduct research on the issue to this day. As I prefer to tell you what I know to be true, here is a brief account of my own personal experience.

When I became ‘unwell’ with MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) I started to research Building Biology, which I was told originated in Germany. Most, if not all they claim made sense and having adopted these ideas myself when renovating our home, I can confirm to be correct. From my own experience though I found no difference between sleeping on a futon (without springs) or on an innerspring mattress (with springs).

Electrical impulses and electromagnetic radiation (EMR’s), are all around us. They come from electrical appliances and the electricity in your walls. If I remember correctly, building biology are not in favour of metal frames used in buildings, neither am I. Electricity cables behind your bed can influence the EMR effect.

In Europe the switches in homes are mostly overhead in ceilings with a pull cord to switch off easily. This stops current flowing in cables behind the bed.

One of my adverse experiences was an effect I was having in one of our bedrooms; internal body trembling/vibrations, like electrical current going through me. Based on something I learned from an older electrician who migrated from England, I came to the conclusion that the main cable from the street power pole to our switch board ran in a PVC, (PLASTIC) conduit, ABOVE the ground under that bedroom floor with my bed directly above. This electrician told me that the old type of metal conduits were much better to insulate than the PVC conduit. He must have been correct because I moved to another bedroom as far as possible from that main cable and the severe trembling was no longer an issue.

Cotton is an insulator; our innerspring mattresses are covered all around with many layers of cotton. We have sold many hundreds of our innerspring mattresses over the 16 years specialising in organic cotton, including to people with different types of ailments, and have been rewarded with constant gratitude and thanks.

Many years ago, in the early stages of supplying our mattresses, a client purchased our Organic Cotton Innerspring Mattress. Several years later she contacted me again and told me that she was having adverse health problems with an organic wool mattress she’d also purchased, a ‘futon’ as it was without springs.

From prior conversations I was aware of her severe M.C.S. and other disabilities. I asked her why she had discarded her organic cotton innerspring and she told me that it was because she felt that she had EMR problems with our mattress and decided to try the wool without springs. She is an elderly person and said the new wool futon mattress was uncomfortable and was aggravating her disability.

I knew from earlier conversations that at the time she purchased the Organature mattress her house was close to power lines. She told me that she had moved and she also agreed that her adverse effects were most likely caused by the power lines. She was not comfortable with the wool futon and did not want to purchase a common mattress which she said was full of chemicals; naturally I agreed; they are!

She then decided to purchase a new 100% Organic Cotton Innerspring Mattress from us and I asked her to let me know the results after a few weeks. She did, and was delighted; just one of our many satisfied Organature friends that comes to mind when you asked your question about the springs and how it relates to health.

You might also like to read how Madeleine tested the theory for herself in There is nothing to worry about if you have a sprung mattress, UNLESS THERE ARE CHEMICALS.

The information I pass on is based on my personal experience and the experience of others who I have spoken to directly.


Peter (Organature Founder)

P.S. You may also be interested in having a look at this >>>


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The misconception that coil mattresses promote cancer came from a ‘Scientific American’ blog post that interpreted the results of an already wildly speculative paper incorrectly.

Claim: Coiled mattresses cause cancer by amplifying radio waves.
Rating: False.


Read Snopes EMF Fact Check Article


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