
About the Air Purifiers – Clearing The Air to Get Relief From Illness and Sensitivities

Some Of The Problems With Our Air

We are all living with an ever increasing amount of chemicals in our lives. Those that we are exposed to from outside, we cannot do much about. Even the chemicals in our workplace are extremely hard to avoid and even harder to control. At least the many restrictions to smoking in public places over the last decade, have reduced some of our exposure to pollutants.

In the majority of situations, we cannot even control the environment in the homes we live in.

We are being dictated to by building regulations which give more consideration to our safety and less consideration to our health. We have potentially health damaging insulation in walls and ceilings, we have to make our homes airtight and are no longer allowed wall air vents (which increases the hazardous mould and mildew growth around windows, in cupboards, corners and on the ceiling). So many people have to live in these toxic houses along with components that are out-gassing chemicals from the multitude of common commercial products readily used, like paints, carpet, underlay, beds and bedding — which most of us don’t even realize can be the cause of un-wellness and the exacerbater of asthma, attention deficit and other chemical sensitivities.

Our babies and children suffer.

Many of us are tired, anxious, fatigued and depressed, find it harder to recover from ‘the flu’, may even be diagnosed with an illness, are getting sicker and generally feel worse than ever before, assuming it is because we are ‘getting older’.

But, we do NOT need to decline with age …

… however it’s easy to decline when we don’t get relief from the unhealthy environment around us, be it constant exposure to negative people or, those hidden toxic chemicals! Eventually something has to give. We either keep getting worse until we croak, or we make a (small) decision that has the power to improve our life for the better!

How To Improve The Air Quality

There are several ways to improve the air in our home environment; one is to move to the country — we did. Even in the country we found it necessary to have air purifier(s). Often, toxic air is brought into our house from unsuspecting visitors or tradespeople wearing deodorants, fragrances and the leftover scent from clothing detergent, hair shampoos and conditioners. Then there’s the spraying of agricultural land, farm fertilizers and council roadside controls which also spreads chemicals on the wind into the environment over widespread kilometers, that are difficult to measure.

Air purifiers help, by drawing the toxic air out of the room you are in; filter it through a filter media which absorbs the chemicals, with a HEPA filter to collect minute particles of dust, including dustmites.

Here Are Some Technical Specifications And Benefits

  • The 160R2 room air purifier is all metal construction with powder coated centrifugal motor to allow air to be expelled without passing via motor.
  • The filtering unit contains 3.15 kilo activated carbon/purapel mix to control chemicals, fumes, odours, gases; and controls particles with an HEPA rated at 0.1 micron efficiency. Total weight of unit including filtering media 7.7 kilo.
  • It has performed well in independent lab tests; and is used and recommended by allergists and environmental doctors nationwide USA.
  • Designed for use by the chemically sensitive, but can be used by anyone wanting clean indoor air.
  • No-odour finishes were used, so you can be assured of clean air.
  • The 160R2 purifier is a great product for use in schools, hospitals, offices and homes. Re-fillable cartridges make the 160 Series air purifiers the perfect green choice when you want clean air with the least effect to the environment. This product is listed in the USA on GSA Schedule 56 as an air purifier.
  • The room purifiers for Australia come with 240 volt motor, Australian switch and plugs into a standard power point.
  • The 160AN car air purifier is all metal construction with powder coated centrifugal motor to allow air to be expelled without passing via motor.
  • The filtering unit contains 3.15 kilo activated carbon/purapel mix to control chemicals, fumes, odours, gases; and controls particles with an HEPA rated at 0.1 micron efficiency. Total weight including filtering media approx. 4.5 kilo
  • This unit is ready to plug into either the cigarette lighter or power point outlet in your vehicle.
  • It has performed well in independent lab tests; it is used and recommended by allergists and environmental doctors nationwide USA. Designed for use by the chemically sensitive, but can be used by anyone that wants clean air.
  • No-odour finishes were used, so you can be assured of clean air.
  • Great product for use in your car, truck, bus, RV or any other type of enclosed vehicle.
  • Re-fillable cartridges make the 160 Series air purifiers the perfect green choice when you want clean air with the least effect to the environment.


My Experience Using Purifiers To Overcome Chemical Sensitivity - by Peter Byl

HEP A Filter - Traps particles as small as 0.3 micron (human hair is approx. 70 -100 microns in diameter)

We always order the HEPA filter with the Foust purifiers as this is essential. With the Foust purifiers they are placed as the last item before the air is pushed out, this means that any dust particles from outside and the dust particles which come of the carbon in the beginning are trapped. The HEP A can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and when required also with water for long time use.

Activated Carbon Sheet - This media deals with odours and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's).

With the Foust purifier we order activated carbon and Purapell, combination of those two will remove all chemicals including formaldehyde.

Ultra Violet Germicidal Lamps - Kills bacteria trapped in HEPA Filter, thus no unpleasant odours typical of devices without UV light. Together with the Nano Photo-Catalytic Filter it is 300 times more efficient than the performance of activated carbon.

I have personal experience with the Ultra violet lamps in my previous home. Based on my experience I do not recommend the use of those, I found that when sometimes certain chemicals came into the house from outside it created a very strong burning like smell. I found that it also created Ozone and I have also been warned that the amount of Ozone it creates can be unhealthy.

Nano Photocatalytic Filter - Decomposes harmful organic and non-organic pollutants and their components. The filter is self-cleaning and therefore does not need to be replaced.

This is possible where some of the higher cost comes from. I have used the Foust for many years and assisted many to obtain them. I would not seek anything else. They are in my opinion, the best available.

Negative Ion Generator - Generates large amounts of negative ions like those that naturally occur in nature around oceans, waterfalls and thunderstorms.

Yes running water, ocean waves, air from southern ocean create NATURAL negative ions.

I purchased an Ionizer a long time ago and found it absolutely useless and I returned it, in fact it was small one which was designed to hang around the neck and I was getting heart stabbing pains.

PS ... they also make a car unit which plugs into the cigarette lighter. I have used one for many years and would not do without it.


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